Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June Capsule Contest

Spent the day working in the yard---doing chores that should have been done earlier in the spring when we were in Paris. But it looks better---I'll pick up some flowers my father has been keeping for me when I go there on Father's Day weekend. So with some more effort---and lots of plants---my little garden will again look like this. (Photo is from last September.)

I decided on my fabric and basic pieces for the June Capsule Contest: the white silk denim. A great fabric---although it doesn't photograph well---and works well with so much else. I'm doing pants, jacket (the Lutterloh stand up collar that I like) a shell, and if I am brave, and have enough fabric, a skirt. I liked the one made from Simplicity 4188 Claire posted on her blog today. I haven't made (or worn) a casual skirt in far too long! I see so many cute ones, and I'm feeling left out.

More tomorrow, as I already up too late and have work tomorrow!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Hi Jeannie, I wandered over from the Coat Sew-along and in the first post I see my name and my skirt mentioned. (blush) I do love my skirt and I think you would also. I have to get Paul to take a picture of me in it so everyone can see the fullness. I would love another at knee length, but I'll make other items first. Kathryn made the shorter version in a lined yellow eyelet and it is darling.

Nice to "meet" you. I'll be popping back over to see what you're up to. I'm in the JCC also. I think I'm insane. ;o)